I hardly ever talk about The Jets...for some reason its like a forbidden word and subject to me or something like that....my brothers and sisters will be shocked I'm even blogging about this subject..but I guess I've always thought about those days...if I just PEEL off the icky extra stuff and think about JUST that place in time...the pre-Jet days to about '89...I'll have to tell you...it is some great memories. I was in the backround most of the time..and I was in depressed,.feeling neglected mode...but when I look back...I guess it all wasn't so bad. I enjoyed sooo much of it...every thing was so NEW and GRAND to me...(especially cuz we were so dirt poor before that..we lived off of bologne sandwiches and wierd food my dad would put together)...
I remember how fun it was to have people notice me at the mall and mistake me for Liz or Mo....and I would happily sign their autographs...I remember the CAMERA'S and the SCREAMS..and special attention made by random people every where....It was neat to feel important...
I was a die hard Prince fan back then...and it was my dream come true that we got to practice in his warehouse...where I couldn't help myself from taking posters..buttons...anything I could get my hands on.....and then to get to go to his studio and record one of the albums..I will never forget sitting in the studio waiting for them to finish recording...when the door opened...and I just saw this little butt...(well the side of his butt).. pass like 10 inches from my nose...and I realized it was my Prince!!! He went in to listen to one of the songs...'You better Dance' I think it was....I remember him running around (in his heels cuz I could hear the clinks). playing hide n seek with his girlfriend at the time....I felt extremely ugly in my sweats...being around other celebrities is a good way to feel sick about YOURSELF...hehehe...
I was bummed when I didn't get to go to the American Music Awards where my next favorite band at the time was gonna play..Metallica..My sisters said they were hecka tight live.....
After doing the Kool Aid Koolers and the Dorito's commercial...I remember the tour bus literally filled with kool-aid drinks and bags and bags of Dorito's. My dad would not let any of it go to waste...so in every city on the tour...more and more dorito's and Kool aid koolers would be added to the pile....til this day...I don't like Dorito's or kool aid koolers.
I remember feeling guilty about the 'Smoke Free Generation' campaign that The Jets were actively involved in...they even went to Washington and did a concert for Nancy Reagan since I think it was her campaign....but I felt guilty cuz I was totally smoking all over the place...hehahahh..in every city and country....ohhhh...
Anywhooo...I'll have to blog about more of the memories when they come...
It was a great time.....
and the interesting thing about it all.......is.....once the MONEY is gone,...and new artists arrive....Oh how people change...and what you THINK you have...can be GONE as fast as it came.
Unfortunately the downfall came because of those who LED it...and my DEAR brothers and sisters were INNOCENT and NAIVE of it all. They truly had hearts of gold...intentions true,...unmistakable TALENT..which continues in all of them to this day....the money never mattered...nor the recognition...they just always wanted to share what GOD gave them.
I appreciate each one of them...for going OUT of their way..back then...to make me feel a PART of it ALL.....When I think of the good...I guess I'm grateful for those days...and I shouldn't feel ashamed when someone asks...Are you from the JETS?...becuz it was a good time...and as a family we have learned a heck of a lot from those experiences.
Here's some videos I found on you tube...posted by fans...I guess we still got some out there! And if you want a good laugh go to You tube and read the comments of these video's..Hilarious!!
this was filmed I think at Crossroads mall in Minnesota. They were filming til like early early morning. Everyones shake was sitting there FOREVER til they finally got the shot..only Eddies was fresh..if you look closely..you can tell they're stale. This was a fun video to shoot..at least for me it was.And Liz had a hard time looking at the fake boyfriend...she WAS like only a tween.
I can honestly tell you that we were HAD by our manager,.we really did BELIEVE this song meant rockin' the music....ROCKET 2 U
I don't really remember anything at this video...I know I was there..but I guess I wasn't caring..
The number in this video was real...it was the JETS hotline number where you could hear messages from your favorite Jet member..and if you were real lucky...you might just get a real member answer the phone which I remember them doing...this was filmed in the alleys somewhere downtown Minneapolis...I just remember all the goodies that were catered!
MINNESOTA MUSIC AWARDS PART 1 AND 2 at 5;05 is the Be Smart Dont Start commercial
In some of the shots you will see my dad and other family members..you can see Lei and my cousin Letitia...I WAS there..in what I thought was the prettiest pink dress that would get Prince's attention...but ohhhh..was I wrong...thank goodness you can't see me.
1 month ago
that's a cool blog!!..Surprised you actually blogged about it...so are you "feelin" the urge to maybe perform again as a Jet at Flag Day?? Come on..you did it before you can do it again...reminds me I should post that photo shoot of The Jets that you are in!! Whatcha think about that?? Well, let me say, I STILL don't get the point of the Rocket 2 U video, it is easily one video I can go without watching...it's so lame...like SUPER KIDS lame!!...lol...anyhow, good post Jen!!..camping???
well..if everything was like back in the day..I'd jump on that stage in a heart beat...you know the story...
yup I remember those days as well. but I was alot younger....I remember the tour busses and the game we always played with the food.....It was fun until that one day when all of a sudden we came out from our hiding spot and there was mustard and cookies all over the wall.....lol then we never played that game again...LOL But all I can say is Elephant Ears were the bomb.
I'm a bit suprised that you were able to conjure up all those memories...I swear it's either my AGE or it's all the Not-so-Good stuff I used to do that has blurred my memory of alot of what we experienced..I mean I do remember things but if you ask me about details, I just can't really remember...we were just non-stop BUSY being shuffled from here to there..but I do recall alot of happy fun times,where I would be thinking on the tour bus after a show when there were fans just screaming outside the window pane and saying to myself,I wouldn't wanna be anyone else except me right now..it was a very exciting childhood..but yeah,thanks for going down memory lane and sharing some crazy Videos..one of these days it really would be awesome to do a legit reunion performance..you heard that NKOTB are doing a reunion tour (I think) so that should be fun to see...but I'm glad to hear that you didn't feel too left out...Those were truly FUN times....thx again SIS...Oh by the way..I went to your MYSPACE wanting to read that blog about each of us siblings but it's not there anymore,did you delete it? THat was the most accurate description of all of us..ANyhoo Goodnite!!!
Cool post, Me and Peter used to brag about the Chip and Dale thing to all our friends in Elementary school! lol! These are some fun memories Jen! Thanks for sharing!! love this post!
Hey-- I was a Jet too! The summer before 5th grade, my sister, a friend, and I lip-synced "Crush on You" at a summer day camp show. We were too poor to own the cassette (cassette? what's THAT??) so we had held up a cheap-o tape player to our cheap-o alarm clock radio and taped the song off the radio. And THAT's the music we had blaring through the school "cafegymatorium."
Looking back now, it was probably a more horrible performance than the superstar act I originally esteemed it to be. Good thing I was young and naive then...
My favorite was "You Got it All." I just remember rewinding that song, over and over again! Loved it. And when I found out the Jets were LDS--wow, that was cool!
That is hilarious about the Rocket 2 U--I totally wouldn't have had any clue either at that age.
It is fun to see the videos--don't ya love YouTube? Where do people get all these anyway?
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